君子に三戒有り Kunshi ni 3kai ari.

  • 解釈:君子たる者は、若いときには色欲を戒め、壮年時代には人と争うことを戒め、年取ってからは欲深くならないように気をつけなければならない。
  • Literal:A Saint has three Commandments.
  • Interpretation:The man called Saint has to take care about the following thing. (1) It should admonish against sexual desire, when young. (2) It should admonish the manhood age against fighting with people. (3) It does not become avaricious after growing old.
  • 類義:
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.